Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Central Council Meeting 21st Nov 2013 at 5:00 pm LUCKNOW

Copied from a message forwarded by Sri DN CHapke
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: anil kaskhedikar <anil.kaskhedikar@rediffmail.com>
To: dnchapke@yahoo.comrnmital@gmail.comscbhatia-delhi@hotmail.com
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2013 4:46 PM
Subject: Central Council Meeting - 21.11.2013 at Lucknow.

To - All members of the Central Council of AISCCON.

Sub : Pre conference Meeting of Central Council.

Notice is hereby given that the next meeting of the Central Council will be held
on Thursday, the 21st November, 2013 at 5.00 p.m. at Rai Umanath Bali Prekshagrih(Auditorium)- Jaishankar Prasad Hall - Kaisar Bagh, behind Baradari, Lucknpow. This place is in the heart of the city and 3 kms away from Rly Station.

Shri D.N.Chapke will preside over the meeting.

JN Bhavan, Nerul, Navi Mumbai on 20.9.2013.

2. To consider allocation of regions & functions of each of the 8 Vice-
3. To consider and approve amendments to the constitution recommended by the
Committee on Constitution Amendments.
4. To approve locations of 4 Regional Seminars :
Thiruvananthpuram/Kochi, Delhi, Mumbai and Bangaluru.
5. To consider nominations of the following :

Vice Presidents - 2
Joint Secretary - 2 (out of which 1 will be woman)
Joint Organising Secretary - 1(woman)
6. To consider co-option of three members in Central Council(Experts in issues
concerning senior citizens)
7. Information by Bhavana office-bearer on 13th AISCCON Conference.
8. To consider finances of AISCCON.
9. Any other matter with permission of the chair.

You are requested to attend the meeting. If there is no quorum at the appointed
time, the meeting will be adjourned for 30 minutes. The adjourned meeting will
be called to order at 5.30 p.m. at the same place to consider the same agenda,
for which no quorum will be necessary.

Tea and light snacks will be served during the meeting. For any other help, you may please contact Shri SD Tiwari(09005601992)

Anil P Kaskhedikar
Secretary General

Thanks with regards

Anil Kaskhedikar

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Nominated to National Council of Senior Citizens

You may be knowing that the National Council of Older Persons was
re-constituted as National Council of Senior Citizens vide GOI Gazette
Part 1 Section 1 No 50 dated 22 Feb 2012. In this Council, apart from
ex-officio members, many are to be nominated from public say
representing NGOs, SCAs, Pensioners Associations, Experts etc

I am happy to mention that following persons known to our group have
been nominated to the NCSC recently last month.
1. Sri JR Gupta Delhi
2. Sri Daljit Singh
3. Sri RN Mital
4. Sri Mathew Cherian
5. Ms Mohini Giri

Let us congratulate all of them

Dr P Vyasamoorthy
30 Gruhalakshmi Colony Secunderabad 500015 Ph 040-27846631 / 949080427

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Executive Council Members of AISCCON 27th Oct 2013

New Executive Committee members of AISCCON – 27th Oct 2013

D.N. Chapke, (M) 09820021224 (President);
Sri RN Mital (Immediate Past President)
Dr. Sugan Bhatia ,(M)  09811225103 (Senior Vice President)

B.B. Dixit, (M) 09451937991; Daljit Singh Grewal,(M) 09855153203;
Krupasindhu Sahu,(M) 09437001251;
Narayan N. Ingle,(M) 09822717199; PrabhakarS. Kulkarni,(M) 09845257990) ;
Haneefa Rawther, (M) 09446362105; and D. Rajasekaran (M) 009444368077 (Vice‐Presidents);

Anil P. Kaskhedikar,(M) 09969128678 ( Secretary General);

Ashok V. Deshpande(M) 09322224213 ( Treasurer);

Om Prakash Hingar, (M) 09829046901 ( Organizing Secretary)

Mukund P. Koranne,  (M) 09833741935; Dr. P. Vayasamoorthy, (M) 09490804278;
A.K.Malhotra(M) 09451133617; C.Yella Reddy, (M) 09866800179  ( Joint Secretaries);

Satya Dev Tiwari, (M)0005601992   ( Joint Organiziing Secrtary ).

Sri B Ranganathan Editor AISCCON news

(Additional nominated members (VPs, Joint org Secretary, Joint Secretaries etc) are yet to be announced as of Nov 2013)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Sunday the 29th September 2013
The Secretary General,
All India Senior Citizens Confederation,
Nerul, Navi Mumbai 400706

Sir :
AISCCON Executive Committee Members 
At the outset we, myself Chandrakant D Khare and Shri Ramchandra N Bapat, Patrons of AISCCON, and members of country’s largest Senior Citizens Association Mulund East, feel obliged for reposing in us confidence for conducting AISCCON elections 2013 – 2016.  Shri.Bapat, one of the pioneers of AISCCON   feels very happy at the age of 83 for the services he could render to the organization.
On obtaining verbal approval from both of us, the Secretary General of AISCCON by his letter dated 12th May 2013 appointed us as Returning / Additional Returning  Officer respectively
On 1st June 2013 we issued notice declaring elections in two phases, first being the election of  Representatives of Privilege Members and Patrons on Central Council and the other election of AISCCON’s Executive Committee members. 
On 11th August 2013 detailed report of election of  Representatives  was submitted to you.
On 12th August 2013 notice of elections for Executive Committee of AISCCON for the period 2013 – 2016 and nominations were invited till 30th August 2013.  As on 5th September 2013 i.e. the last date for withdrawal of nominations, the following candidates withdrew their nominations and final list of contestants was declared on 6th September 2013, one day ahead of the scheduled date:
Withdrawals : Vice President : (1) Ch.Parmeswara Reddy (2) P.S.Kshetrmade and
                                                     (3) Suresh Chandra  Sharma.
                          Secretary General :  C.Yella Reddy.
Final list of contestants
President :  (1 Post)     (1)  Shri D.N.Chapke                     (2)  Shri R.N.Mital
Vice President :           (1)  Shri B.B.Dixit                          (2)  Shri Daljit Singh Grewal
  (8 posts)                      (3)  Dr.Sugan Bhatia                      (4)  Shri J.R.Gupta
                                      (5)  Shri Kripasindhu Sahoo          (6)  Shri MR Ramaswamy
                                      (7)  Shri Narayan Namdeo Ingale  (8)  Shri Prabhakar S.Kulkarni
                                      (9)  Prof.V.Visweswariah              (10) Shri  S.Haneefa Rawther
                                     (11) Shri D.Rajasekaran
Secretary General :  (1 Post)   (1)  Shri Anil P. Kaskhedikar    (2)  Dr.P.Vyasmoorthy
Organising Secretary (1 Post) (1)   Er.Om Prakash Hingar      (2)   Y.Narayana Moorthy
Ballot papers were sent to all 134 voters as per list received from AISCCON office,  through Hand Delivery/ Speed Post /  Courier.  Last date of receipt of ballot papers was 28th Sept. 2013.
As the nominations received for the following posts were either equal to or less than the number of posts no Ballot Papers were issued.  Hence  following candidates stand elected unopposed and one post of Jt.Organising Secretary vacant.
Jt.Organising Secretary  -  2 Posts.  Nomination received only from Shri Satya Deo Tiwarri
Jt.Secretary   -   4 Posts.  Nominations Received from :
                                          1. Shri Ashok Kumar Malhotra   2.  Shri C.Yella Reddy 
                                          3. Dr.P.Vyasamoorty                   4. Shri Mukund P Koranne
Treasurer   -    1 Post.     Nomination Received  only from   Shri Ashok V. Deshpande

-          2   -
No nomination was received for the post Managing Editor (AISSCON NEWS).  The post of Managing Editor (AISSCON News) has thuse been vacant.
            On Sunday the 29th September 2013 counting of votes commenced at 10 a. m  and ended by 13.40 hours and report thereof was declared at the Annual General Meeting. The details are as under:
Total Votes Cast  : 1095.  Votes polled by each candidate as also the result of election i.e. Elected   / Not elected (by X mark)  is shown against respective name  as under:
President   -   1 Post  

Vice President    -     8 Posts          
Votes Polled

Votes Polled

B.B Dixit

DalgitSingh Grewal

Dr.Sugan Bhatia
Secretary General   -  1 Post  

Krupasindhu Sahoo
Votes Polled

Anil P Kaskhedikar

MR RamaSwamy

Narayan N. Ingle

P S Kulkarni
Organising Secretary      1 Post  

Prof.V Visweraiaha
Votes Polled

S Haneefa Rawther
Er.Om Prakash Hingar

D Rajsekharan
V.Narayana Moorthy



All relevant papers in respect of these elections are being handed over to you.  Please acknowledge. 
We express our sincere thanks to all the members of the Executive Committee and members of AISCCON for the cooperation they extended to us and valuable suggestions received from various quarters in conduct of these elections.  We also thank Shri Subhashchandra Khare, Shri Mahajan, Shri Chandan, Shri Dattatray Patil, and Shri Ranganathan, all members of Sr.Citizens Association Mulund East, and Shri Nikale from Nasik for giving us able help in counting of votes.
            Thanking you,
                                                            Yours faithfully,
                C.D.KHARE                                                          R.N.BAPAT
            206, Chintamani Society,                                C-202 Mangalya Society,  
            Babanrao Kulkarni Marg,                               GV Scheme Road No.4
           Mulund East, Mumbai 400 081                       Mulund East, Mumbai 400 081
                                                                                                                                                    Prabhakar chhatre

Monday, September 30, 2013

A news Item 

Dr kinjawadekar  congratulated all the  elected members  of council and thanked mr.r.n.mittal  for his cooperation
Newly elected President Mr chapke  emphasized  and promised   gladly to work  to  raise the honor of AISCCON all over  the country and  to focus  more on  the interest of rural seniors.
A meeting of newly elected working committee  will be held on 29-11-2013 at Lakhano  
13th conference ofAISCCON will be held on 22 -23  Nov.2013  at  Dr. Ambedakar  Auditorium in Lakhano and  was stressed  to be well attended . Conference will be inaugurated by Chief minister  of U.P. Mr. Akhilesh Yadav and central minister Mr.Sharad Pawar will be chief guest
This meeting  was coordinated by Mr. Anil Kaskhedikar and  Mr.Mukund Koranne thanked all the delegates who were present from all over the country

official news  bulletin will be  published very shortly    

                                                                                                prabhakar chhatre

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


to be given in annual conference 22/23 November 2013

Auther prabhakar chhatre

Monday, September 9, 2013

Shri Chapke :
 Please cause displaying the following message to voters on AISCCON website.  Copy
is being forwarded to Shri Chatre.  Thanks. CD.KHARE 
10th September 2013
To all voters :

Corrigendum – Please display the following message to voters 

Re : Election of AISCCON Executive Committee  (2013-2016)

You must have already received or will be receiving in the next few days four
Ballot Papers for the above elections.   In our earlier communique (corrigendum)  
on AISSCON website we have advised you to use ONLY the original ballot papers to
cast your votes and NOT the downloaded from the website.

We once again repeat our advise to you to  please send  only the original Ballot
Papers sent by us on which AISSCON round rubber stamp appears, and no other
ballot papers, in the self addressed to either of us envelope so as to reach these to us on 
or before 28th September 2013.  Please once again take a note that only original ballot
papers will be considered as Valid.

Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience caused.  

 Author Prabhakar chh